Ewa Nicewicz
Italianist, literary scholar, and Italian-to-Polish translator.
Ewa holds a PhD in the humanities from the University of Warsaw and University of Padua, is currently an assistant professor at the Institute of Literary Studies of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, has won multiple scholarships from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is currently a member of the Leopold Staff Award Committee. Her translations include the works of Gianni Rodari, Roberto Piumini, Beatrice Alemagna, and Davide Morosinotto, among others. She spends her free time reading, hiking in the woods, and doing DIY. She loves mountains, good coffee, peony flowers, and her two children, Irenka and Antoś. She lives in Warsaw.

Natalia Mętrak-Ruda
Cultural expert, literary translator, and food writer.
From Italian Natalia has translated books by Dario Fo and Sandro Veronesi, young adult series by Moony Witcher and picture books by Gabriele Clima, among others. Among her translations from English are Adam Nicolson’s A Seabird’s Cry, Marie Benedict’s The Other Einstein and Paul Shapiro’s Clean Meat. She writes about Polish food in English for culture.pl and runs her own website about culinary history “ Przeszłość od kuchni”. She lives in Warsaw.

Monika Motkowicz
Passionate multilingual translator from Italian, French, and English to Polish.
Monika graduated in French Philology at Jagiellonian University and in Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences at Paris XII University. In addition, she holds a Postgraduate Degree in Sworn Translation (French-Polish) from the UNESCO Chair for Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication. She takes great pride in having successfully translated over 20 books, including novels by Elisa Puricelli Guerra and Francesco Gungui, as well as several feature and documentary films for film festivals. Monika especially enjoys translating children’s literature, and she remains deeply in love with the books from her own childhood. She is addicted to TV series about secret agents, travel off the beaten track and tiramisu. She lives in Cracow.